Micro Trenching - Is it the Way Forward?

18th December, 2017

Micro trenching is a dry method of cutting trenches to install utilities. Narrow trenches can be made, strict to measurements, through concrete, asphalt or other material constructions. Micro trenching enables civil engineering contractors to cut trenches with a single device such as a wheel saw.

Also referred to as “narrow trenching” or “slot cutting”, micro trenching delivers immense benefits over the traditional method of open trenching with equipment such as excavators, diamond saws and breakers.

How Micro Trenching Beats Traditional Trench-Cutting Methods?

Micro trenching can be used for installation of a range of utilities, including motorway cables, railway cables, traffic lights and fibre-optic broadband.

In traditional trenching methods such as those employing an excavator, an over wide trench is made, to fit in the excavator. As a result, project workload tends to be more, resulting in higher costs.

Disruption is minimal with micro trenching. The process involves making a trench that is just wide enough for the given pipe, cable or utility. The quality of saw used for micro trenching is crucial to ensure efficiency. Dust is kept down by a water system fitted to the wheel of the cutter.

Micro trenching is a faster process and as the overall trench size is smaller the required backfill is less, which in turn increases project speed.

With micro trenching, you can get your work done up to 30 times faster than by using traditional trenching methods. Increased speed leads to a reduction in costs such as labour, equipment and disruption costs. In fact, micro trenching can often reduce the overall project costs by 20% compared to traditional trenching methods.

Benefits of the Bobcat Wheel Saw in Micro Trenching

A high-quality wheel saw increases the efficiency of micro trenching further, in the following ways:

  • Greater Task Efficiency– Bobcat wheel saw is known to work faster than standard micro trenching machines, which means more proportion of trench gets cut in a short period of time.
  • Reduced Backfill Work – Bobcat wheel saw cuts a trench to precise measurements. This reduces work and costs on backfilling process.
  • Ability to Access Narrower Work Areas – Bobcat loaders are compact in size, which makes them highly efficient for narrower work areas and tight spaces. They are a great alternative to huge and heavy machines usually employed for such tasks.
  • Ease of Equipment Assembling – Bobcat loader and wheel saw can be deployed faster at any project site. So, managers can be prepared to face any urgent requirement in an ongoing project.

Hiring a Bobcat Wheel Saw is a great option if you are going to use the machine on and off. MTS Plant offers Bobcat wheel saws and loaders for hire across the UK. Our wheel saws come with a cut-width capability of 80mm and 130mm, and a cut-depth specification of 150-180mm.

Why Choose MTS Plant?

  • When you hire our Bobcat loaders and wheel saws, you get complete backup and support
  • We are plant hire specialists with 25+ years of industry experience
  • We offer the UK’s largest fleet of specialist Bobcat attachments for hire

Get more information about Bobcat wheel saws here, or contact one of our equipment hire experts today.